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The Hague


Delft is a city in the province of Zuid Holland. It is located between Rotterdam and The Hague.


Delft  is well known by its Delfts Blue pottery. Also the currently reigning House of Orange-Nassau is located in Delft. Historically, Delft played a big role in the Dutch Golden Age.

The Hague
The Hague is known as the home of international law and arbitration. Also the Dutch center of politics is located in Den Haag. You can visit  Haags Historisch Museum, Gevangenpoort, (Prison of Hof van Holland), urban farmers, the beach and Netherlands dance theater.


Rotterdam is also a city in the province of Zuid Holland. A big part of Rotteram was destroyed in World War II so it's a city with new architecture. Rotterdam is one of the largest harbours in the world. 

It's nice to take a boat tour in Rotterdam. You also can visit one of the museums like: Havenmuseum Leuvehaven, Mariniersmuseum, Maritiem Musem Rotterdam, Nederlands Architectuurinstituut and Witte de With.

Book your private taxi tour to Delft, the Hague and Rotterdam by your amsterdamtaxidriver.

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Maximum 7 


8 hours




From Amsterdam

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